Un message de Marsha (22 juin 2017)

Juste avant de souper, j’ai reçu ce message de Marsha, que je reprends ici, tel quel, avec sa permission. Merci beaucoup!

I hope you enjoyed your cousin’s playing and had a good visit, You were right a out the buses. They didn’t go at all so I went to the us station and found 3 others who wanted to go to Finisterra and we took a taxi. It was a nice ride. Then I met Sven and Nicola and nd we had coffee and went to the albergue « Do Sol ». It has and nd bergue meditation room and nd bergue meditation nd to s of people who heal. When I said my knee was sore someone said my ego was holding on to something. Then I had lots of crying time which everyone agreed was very good for me. I went to the beach and Sven and Nicola met about 9:00 and I spread theashes. Her are a couple of pictures. I was wonderful. Love Marsha

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